Welcome to Equip the Nations. We are all leaders and all in need of Equiping to be prepared for leading the rising Generations to Jesus. We all where a sign that reads: "Jesus This Way!" ETN is meant to be a tool to seeing this happen.
My name is Luke Kimble. I serve as a full time staff member with Youth With A Mission in St. Croix. I am privileged to be able to staff the Discipleship Training Schools that we offer here on base. As well I lead the different teams on outreaches to foreign countries. God is so creative and faithful in how He works all things for our good. My experience and life are both a testimony to that. He has done so much for me and I want nothing more than to give the same opportunity to a Generation who is desperately looking for a relationship like the one only God can offer.
I am also on Facebook and Twitter if anyone would like to follow.
If you are interested in discovering more of what God is allowing me to do and even be part of what He is doing you may contact me at lucask1721@gmail.com